Friday, June 3, 2011

Hello World!

My name is Peanut.

My story is pretty simple. My mommy never married, and she abandoned me and my brothers and sisters in an old row boat by the lake when we were only a few days old.

We almost died.

Fortunately, we were rescued by some humans that took us in. They got us fixed up.
Then I was separated from my brothers and sisters and taken hostage by another set of humans. I never saw my brothers and sisters again.

But I am learning to overcome my past. This is my life.


  1. Dear Peanut,
    We are your long lost sisters, Nala and Kieri. We are together with another human family. They have been really good to us too. I wish we could see you again. I(Nala) look so much like you. It is almost like we are looking in a mirror. It looks like we like to do everything that you like. We haven't taken up blogging like you, but we might consider it. My humans are always taking pictures of us. They think we are soooo cute! I can't believe this is our first Christmas! I just know it will be very special! We also live in the house with our step bro, Meko and a big doggie, Rae. She frightens me but Kieri has learned to stand up for herself and fight back. I am so proud of her! Mom must have taught her well in the few short days we had together. So good to see you are doing so well with your humans! We will check back ofter to see what you are up to.

    Love you Sis,
    Nala and Kieri

  2. Hi little Peanut. What a cute name you have! We love all the pictures of you. It looks like you have a wonderful life!

    We were thinking that maybe your mama didn't abandon you on purpose. Something might have happened to her and she couldn't get back to take care of you and your brothers and sisters. She might be at Rainbow Bridge and is looking down to you all from the clouds and the sunbeams and being thankful that you all got rescued and have good and happy homes now. At least that's what we'd like to think.

    Love and Loud purring from RainbowCatsx8

  3. Peanut, you are such a cutie. I'm so glad that you are happy and well. I'm looking forward to more posts on your blog. Much love. :-)

  4. Dear Peanut,
    You bring so much joy to your humans and I can see that you love them as much as they love you. Keep it up, angel. You have much happiness in your future.
    All the best,


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